Thursday 29 January 2009

Jaxtr India Numbers shutdown (illegal usage)

Jaxtr launched it’s VoIP service in India, around 7 months back and the service has now been shutdown due to illegal usage.

This is what Jaxtr mail reads as:

We have been informed that the Indian Department of Telecommunication has disabled all our local jaxtr numbers in India. Any call placed using one of these disabled numbers will not be connected. We are working very hard to reactivate these numbers so we can continue offering you our excellent services. We apologize for any inconveniences and will let you know as soon as the issue has been resolved. Should you have further questions, please contact our Customer Support department at: - The jaxtr team

Strange that Indian govt. took 7 months to figure out that Jaxtr’s India number isn’t legal? Or simply that they were losing a lot of money and shut it down themselves ...