Wednesday 19 November 2008

Rebtel = Spam

Attention: Rebtel is a spam to me and my friends!

I thought Rebtel was great at first, until one of my friends in Vienna, Austria received his highest phone bill ever, 95 Euro, for â??calls to New Zealand.â?? (I live in New Zealand.)

He has never called New Zealand directly. He used Rebtel number I sent him. It looks like a Vienna local number, 01 253 892 101. The calls were supposed to be free according to his calling plan. Instead he was charged 95 Euro for those â??local callsâ?? at international rate.

How could a Vienna number show up as a New Zealand number on his phone bill? I have searched on Internet and found out I am not the only victom! Now the question is how to stop Rebtel so that it will not keep ripping off inocent people! (Please correct me, and tell me I am wrong.)

1 comment:

Alex Drewniak said...

Dear Phonewatcher,

My names is Alex and I work at Rebtel.

As I have tried to point on two separate sites where you have posted these claims; you are wrong.

I responded to this last week over at

I'm truly sorry that you and your friend haven't had the best possible experience with our service. On that note I would like to give you my personal guarantee that we are not in any way, shape or form cheating our users. The only explanation is that he, by mistake, called you regular number instead of the local Rebtel number.

As your friend received a phone bill from his carrier, we as the provider of the international leg of the call, have nothing to gain from this.

The mystery, if you will, really lies in that your friend got charged on the rate to New Zealand and not on the rate of a local Austrian call.

I would really appreciate if you could get me in touch with your friend in Austria so we could have a look at his call history and possibly ask him to get in touch with operator.

My email is alexander [dot] drewniak [at] rebtel [dot] com

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Best regards,
